Instant Action Plugin comes to Chrome

Image representing InstantAction as depicted i...Image via CrunchBase
Instant Action is an online gaming site that really makes great browser games, all you need is the Browser plugin to play. Now they have released a version of their plugin for chrome making the games accessible to all the Chrome fans out there.

With Google Chrome installing the plugin is great because you don't have to restart your browser it just flat out works.

If you haven't heard of Instant Action I recommend you check em out and try a few games.
Some of their most popular games are:
Fallen Empire Legions: Futuristic FPS with jetpacks
Marble Blast: you play as a marble and try to complete goals.
LORE Aftermath: Mech Assault type game
Aces of Aces: Airplane Sim.

click here to visit the Instant Action website
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