Google Sidewiki

What is it?

Well that's a little difficult to explain right off the bat. It's a bar that you can add to google toolbar, basically it's a side bar, on the opposite side of where the scroll bar is in your browser is the sidewiki, the side wiki remains hidden when you are using a site and when it spots a sidewiki entry on the page, it simply displays a small little icon on the left hand side of the browser. click it and it opens the Sidewiki

Okay so now that you understand the UI Here's what it does.

You navigate to a website, let's say the website doesn't have a comment system in place but you want to make a note for other users on the web to see. you can leave a note on the page basically.

Why Google calls it a Side"Wiki" is still unknown to me, it has super limited abilities when it comes to html and it doesn't let people edit other peoples entries.

The practicality of the site is kinda minimal if you ask me.
I can see a few uses:
  • If a site is complicated, users can note how to do certain things
  • If a site is of historic value, users can leave historical info on it
  • users can comment on a site.
  • Users can communicate with web developers to point at specific parts of the website and tell them what they think of features or the design of something.
It seems kinda limited to me, it's value is minor. If you have constructive Ideas as to what Sidewiki can be used for please share some.

Click here to view the rest of the post(opens a Sidewiki pane(you do not need to install Sidewiki to view the entry))

Click here to visit the Google Sidewiki website


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